Unity is
Connecting the European forging industry for a better future

Mission and Vision
EUROFORGE mission is to be the professional partner and net-work builder for the European forging associations/companies when dealing with questions concerning common opportunities and threats of the forging business.
EUROFORGE pays special attention to improving the competitiveness and market position of the European forging industry.
- The overall objective is to enlarge the activities of the national EUROFORGE member associations
- Forum of European forging companies for exchanging experiences and common trends
- Representative body vis à vis political bodies and the general public to collect and defend the industry’s common interests
- Evaluation of technical, economic and environmental trends, statistics, benchmarking.
Mission and Vision

EUROFORGE mission is to be the professional partner and net-work builder for the European forging associations/companies when dealing with questions concerning common opportunities and threats of the forging business.
EUROFORGE pays special attention to improving the competitiveness and market position of the European forging industry.
- The overall objective is to enlarge the activities of the national EUROFORGE member associations
- Forum of European forging companies for exchanging experiences and common trends
- Representative body vis à vis political bodies and the general public to collect and defend the industry’s common interests
- Evaluation of technical, economic and environmental trends, statistics, benchmarking.
Our History
EUROFORGE, the umbrella organisation of the European national associations for the forging industry, has had a checkered history. Among European forgers, the initial contacts and cooperation that began in 1953 continued for several decades.
The idea of holding an International Forging Congress every three years was first conceived at the beginning of the 1950s. After EUROFORGE was founded in 1953 by the national forging associations of Great Britian, France and the Federal Republic of Germany, the first international congress took place in Birmingham, England the same year.
The aim of this first meeting was to encourage greater understanding between Europeans after the turmoil of the Second World War, and to encourage co-operation and exchange of ideas among the international forging family
The Start of the “New” EUROFORGE
2000, the first General Assembly of the “New” EUROFORGE was held in Paris. The statutes with the decentralised organisational structure were passed and the first budget was presented. The first president was Peter Sundström (Sweden). Erwin Peddinghaus (Germany) and Dino Ruffato (Italy) were elected as the first vice presidents, and Dr. Theodor L. Tutmann (Germany) was elected as general secretary. The first official meeting of the Executive Board took place the following day, when the working groups and their assignments were defined and their members appointed. These groups were the Automotive Group, the Open-Die Working Group, the Technical Committee, Statistics and Communication.
Today, EUROFORGE is constantly evolving and more important as ever. We offer new events, services and working groups. Our global network is growing steadily and we have a stronger focus on political lobbying.

Our History

EUROFORGE, the umbrella organisation of the European national associations for the forging industry, has had a checkered history. Among European forgers, the initial contacts and cooperation that began in 1953 continued for several decades.
The idea of holding an International Forging Congress every three years was first conceived at the beginning of the 1950s. After EUROFORGE was founded in 1953 by the national forging associations of Great Britian, France and the Federal Republic of Germany, the first international congress took place in Birmingham, England the same year.
The aim of this first meeting was to encourage greater understanding between Europeans after the turmoil of the Second World War, and to encourage co-operation and exchange of ideas among the international forging family
The Start of the “New” EUROFORGE
2000, the first General Assembly of the “New” EUROFORGE was held in Paris. The statutes with the decentralised organisational structure were passed and the first budget was presented. The first president was Peter Sundström (Sweden). Erwin Peddinghaus (Germany) and Dino Ruffato (Italy) were elected as the first vice presidents, and Dr. Theodor L. Tutmann (Germany) was elected as general secretary. The first official meeting of the Executive Board took place the following day, when the working groups and their assignments were defined and their members appointed. These groups were the Automotive Group, the Open-Die Working Group, the Technical Committee, Statistics and Communication.
Today, EUROFORGE is constantly evolving and more important as ever. We offer new events, services and working groups. Our global network is growing steadily and we have a stronger focus on political lobbying.
Organisational Structure
The controlling and representing part of EUROFORGE are the President and the Vice-Presidents.
Attilio Fresia, San Grato, Italy

Ahmet Demir, Kanca A.S. , Turkey

Ronald Rittmann, Bons & Evers, Germany

Hervé Gestas, Setforge, France

Karel Krhut , INPO, spol. s r.o., Czech Republic
decision making body
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the decision making body of EUROFORGE. President, Vice-Presidents and executive Board members are elected. The General Assembly takes place once a year, organised by a EUROFORGE member association.
managing / co-ordinating / representing / lobbying
Executive Board
The Executive Board consist of the directors of the national associations. The members are elected by the General Assembly for a 3 years period. They manage and represent the main activities of EUROFORGE.
Secretary General
The Secretary General is the managing institution and co-ordinates together with the presidency and the executive board the daily business of EUROFORGE.

Tobias Hain, Director Industrieverband
Massivumformung e. V., Germany